Therapeutic & Cognitive Behaviour Hypnosis (CBH)
What is Therapeutic Cognitive Behavioural Hypnosis (CBH)?
Hypnotherapy is a time-tested technique for improving a wide range of conditions and easing symptoms. As a professional hypnotherapist, I use relaxation and motivation exercises to help you enter a hypnotic state. This is a state of consciousness where you are extremely alert and at the same time, very relaxed.
CBH is the combination of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Therapeutic Hypnosis. With CBT, we view problems and symptoms as stemming from unhealthy beliefs and thoughts. The cognitive approach allows you to become a detective and examine the problematic beliefs and thoughts you are holding on to so tightly.
When CBT is combined with the relaxation of hypnosis, the new way of thinking is integrated at a deeper, unconscious level enabling changes to take place more quickly. When either approach is used alone, it’s reasonably effective, but when used in together, the effect is dynamic.

When CBT is combined with the relaxation of hypnosis, the new way of thinking is integrated at a deeper, unconscious level enabling changes to take place more quickly. When either approach is used alone, it’s reasonably effective, but when used in together, the effect is dynamic.
For example, if you have decided to stop smoking or to overcome a fear of public speaking, you are more receptive to initiating the changes you need to make when you’re in a hypnotic state. Think of it as planting a seed during your hypnotherapy session. Later, as you go about your day to day activities, this “idea seed” continues to grow, giving you the inner drive you need to reach your goal.
When you are in a hypnotic state, your body is relaxed and your mind is fully awake. This combination is ideal for cementing ideas such as, “I will lose weight,” or “I will free myself from the fear that’s holding me back.” Under hypnosis, you are extra receptive to the power of suggestion.
Rest assured, you will never do anything that you don’t want to do, but you will be able to overcome mental blocks and emotional obstacles that are preventing you from living life to the fullest.
Hypnosis helps people to feel better, but unless the faulty thinking is changed, when faced with the same or similar situation, the unwanted response will remain and re-emerge over time.
Therapeutic Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy Benefits
Hypnosis can help you change attitudes, perceptions and behaviours.
It can be effective in treating a range of medical and psychological issues, including:
• Anxiety
• Asthma
• Chronic pain
• Fears and phobias
• Smoking
• High blood pressure
• Insomnia
• Panic attacks
• Stress
• Migraine
• Obesity
• Thumb sucking
• Sleep problems
• Stuttering
Therapeutic Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy with Linda Shalloe
Every consultation is tailored to suit your unique needs. With CBH, your first session can vary in time but please allow 2.5 hours. We all go into natural hypnotic states every day without even knowing it. It’s comparable to being so absorbed in a book or film that the hours seem to fly by, or being in a meeting where your mind has wandered.
It is this natural state of mind that is used in cognitive hypnotherapy. You never lose control and are certainly never put under the control of anyone else. Cognitive hypnotherapy is just an extremely effective way of making positive change.
Further Sessions
Further sessions are usually needed to complete or continue the process. Depending on your issue and your specific needs this will be a factor in how many sessions are required, I will complete a specific plan for you after assessing your requirements in our first consultation and then I will go through this in detail with you. Usually two to three sessions are required so that the foundation for change can be effectively put in place, although you are likely to feel relaxed just after one session.